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FAQ Guide

To find the proper question you are looking for and its answer, please refer to the glossary on the right side of the screen. The glossary is designed to help you easily navigate and find your specific question and answer.


What is EarthMeta and what does it consist of?

EarthMeta is an echo of the Earth as we know it today. A perfect digital duplicate of the Earth, with the same continents and seas, divided into cities with exact boundaries, streets, monuments, and famous landmarks. The platform contains all the metadata that allows the Earth to be reproduced as perfectly as possible.

At launch, most cities in the world will be available for pre-sale. First, buy the city of your choice to become a Governor. Then, divide your city into many assets (NFT landmarks, monuments, buildings, administrations...) and trade them on our marketplace to get a 1% tax on each subsequent transaction made in your city. 

Benefit from the best in terms of the Staking pool. Open doors with our Augmented Reality App. Create your economy with our APIs. Participate in EarthMeta decisions with our Decentralized Autonomous Organisation (DAO) (See how does the DAO of EarthMeta work?).

Collect cities, become the President (See what Is a president?) of your country, and earn even more profit. With a continuous demand and a limited supply (See what makes EarthMeta’s Assets Valuable?) of cities instead of infinite squares of land, EarthMeta aims to become one of the most attractive digital real estate platforms. 

How are titles gained and what are their benefits? 

If you own one city or more, you will hold the title of Governor, which gives you a 1% royalty on all transactions made within your city. In phase 2, when the development of cities is complete, you can sell all assets in your cities while still holding your title.

Suppose the cumulative value of your assets is greater than the rest of the governors in a country. In that case, you will hold the title of President, which in turn allows you to gain, in addition to all the benefits you have as a governor, another 0.5% of all transactions happening in your country (including cities that you don't own).

Owning assets in EarthMeta gives many titles and perks:

  • If you own one city or more, you will hold the title of Governor, which gives you a 1% royalty on all transactions made within your city. In phase 2, when the development of cities is complete, you will be able to sell all assets in your cities while still holding your title.
  • If the cumulative value of your assets is greater than the rest of the governors in a country, you will hold the title of President, which in turn allows you to gain, in addition to all the benefits you have as a governor, another 0.5% of all transactions happening in your country (including cities that you don't own).

When will the marketplace launch?

The EarthMeta marketplace will have multiple phases of launch:

  • October 2024: Launch of the Marketplace for Cities, along with the initial NFT cities presale and claim.
  • December 2024: Integration with OpenSea Marketplace and the launch of land delimitation for governors.
  • Q1 2025: Launch of the Marketplace for Lands, which will further enhance the trading and management of digital real estate within the EarthMeta ecosystem.
  • Q4 2025: Launch of the Digital Assets Marketplace, along with additional tools and features for digital real estate management and integration with dApps and DeFi protocols.

Getting Started

What is a metaverse?

The Metaverse is a buzzword that has become popular since Facebook became Meta with its active onboarding of the Metaverse. But, contrary to some people's thoughts, the Metaverse is not a new term. For years, futurists have used it to describe how we might connect in the years to come. The Metaverse refers to a parallel universe, "Meta" means "beyond", and "verse" means "universe". So we get "beyond the universe" or "parallel universe".

The Metaverse is defined as a virtual reality space where users can interact with a computer-generated environment and other users. The term was first used in the 1992 novel "Snow Crash" by Neal Stephenson, set in a futuristic universe. It was the story of Hiro Protagonist, a pizza delivery man for CosaNostra. In the book Metaverse, he is recognized as the last of the independent hackers and the greatest swordsman.

What is EarthMeta?

EarthMeta is a perfect digital duplicate of Earth from oceans and seas to forests and mountains, as well as political borders and all the geographical aspects of our planet with exact dimensions of angles and distances. A platform created so that people can have fun, express themselves, and earn money.

EarthMeta aims to revolutionize digital real estate with a high-tech platform by developing a new global ecosystem dedicated to trading assets as NFT, which is simpleefficient, but most importantly transparentfully decentralized, and based on blockchain technology.

What is a city?

In EarthMeta, a city is a virtual property that is represented by a unique NFT on the Polygon blockchain.

These cities are exact digital replicas of real-world cities on Earth, complete with accurate boundaries, streets, landmarks, and monuments. Each city is a self-contained ecosystem with its economy, government, and community of residents. As a city owner, you have complete control over its development and management, allowing you to create a unique and thriving virtual community within EarthMeta.

What is the tier of a city?

The fundamental valuation of each city in EarthMeta depends on its attractiveness. Therefore, we have chosen to rank cities not by national but by international influence. Furthermore, we have decided to classify them into several categories.

The value of each city will depend on:

Number of population: We believe that the more populated a city is, the more people will want to buy it.

GDP produced by the city: This is a precise and critical indicator that measures the wealth created by all agents, private and public, within a given territory during a specific period.

Notoriety: Measured by the number of tourists visiting the city.

Religious influence: Cities with a solid religious connotation are known and have uncommon visibility.

City Tiers:

  • Tier 1: Includes around 200 cities globally that are highly valuable due to their strategic location, landmark assets, and international prominence. These cities are sought-after by investors and tend to have high buying pressure. Tier 1 cities are the most expensive, and owning them can make an individual or entity a president due to their high value.
  • Tier 2: Consists of the top 3% of cities in each country with a regional scope. They may not be as famous as Tier 1 cities but are well-known at the national level. These strategic cities include airports, ports, companies, population centers, nationwide attractions, and monuments. Tier 2 cities are less expensive than Tier 1 cities and can be a good financial choice for investors.
  • Tier 3: Targets lesser-known cities in a country with fewer people and lower attractiveness. They are affordable and allow individuals to buy a city and become a governor. Although they have lower attractiveness, they offer long-term benefits since they are in high demand due to their relatively lower price. Buying multiple Tier 3 cities can be a good strategy to acquire territory and create city projects that need space.

What is an asset?

Assets are all the components (what we call " points of interest ") of a city such as monuments, businesses, parks, and museums... Once sold, owners of a city can divide their property into a multitude of digital assets (lands) while keeping the ownership of their NFT Real Estate (city NFT).

What can I do with an EarthMeta account?

By creating your account on EarthMeta and becoming a user, you will already have a glimpse of our enhanced customer experience.

You would be able to :

  • Add cities to your Wish List if you are interested in one or more cities.
  • See at any time if the cities that have been added to your Wish List have been sold or are still for sale.
  • Customize your page to your liking.
  • Follow other accounts, share, like, and interact with the EarthMeta community.
  • Connect with your social networks and share content from EarthMeta.
  • Buy/Sell with ease.
  • See your rewards in real-time.
  • Manage your Investment Portfolio and NFT Wallet.

How are titles gained and what are their benefits?

If you own one city or more, you will hold the title of Governor, which gives you a 1% royalty on all transactions made within your city. In phase 2, when the development of cities is complete, you can sell all assets in your cities while still holding your title.

Suppose the cumulative value of your assets is greater than the rest of the governors in a country. In that case, you will hold the title of President, which in turn allows you to gain, in addition to all the benefits you have as a governor, another 0.5% of all transactions happening in your country (including cities that you don't own).

Owning assets in EarthMeta gives many titles and perks:

  • If you own one city or more, you will hold the title of Governor, which gives you a 1% royalty on all transactions made within your city. In phase 2, when the development of cities is complete, you will be able to sell all assets in your cities while still holding your title.
  • If the cumulative value of your assets is greater than the rest of the governors in a country, you will hold the title of President, which in turn allows you to gain, in addition to all the benefits you have as a governor, another 0.5% of all transactions happening in your country (including cities that you don't own).

Do titles come with any powers and authorities?

Being a Governor will give you the right to control all the content created in your city. You can allow or deny users from publishing their creations as you see fit. There are no limits to what you can do, from creating games, races, and any other AR experiences. As a Governor, you have the ultimate authority to shape the digital environment of your city, ensuring it aligns with your vision and standards.

What is a governor?

The buyer of a city will have the status of Governor on our platform. They will be in charge of the assets in circulation in their city, whether they want to sell them or not. Once purchased, the city will no longer belong to the EarthMeta team and we will have no power over it. It will become the Governor's ownership.

You can become a Governor if you own at least one city. You can acquire the city at the beginning, with the mint price according to the Tier of the city. Later on, you can purchase it at the owner's price.

You can become the Governor of as many cities as you claim, which will make you the ruler of them all.

Why becoming a governor?

Becoming a governor on EarthMeta has several benefits, including:

  • Receiving the 1% Governor Taxes: When you claim a city, you are granted ownership of the city as an NFT, which gives you a 1% royalty on any transaction that takes place within the city. As long as you remain a governor, you will receive your 1% directly into your wallet for each transaction made in your city.
  • An Increase in the Value of Assets: EarthMeta has limited the number of assets (cities) that will be sold during the presale, and city owners (governors) will have the power to develop or sell the city they acquired at the price they think is right. This creates scarcity and buying pressure, which can increase the value of the assets.
  • Benefit from Advanced Marketing: The EarthMeta platform helps identify your city and make it more valuable. When people click on the city, they will be redirected to the city page directly with an information page that looks like you and will be customizable. This can be used for marketing, promotional, political, or other messages.

What are the limitations of my authority as a governor?

EarthMeta will have no power over cities once sold, and the governors will have total liberty to run their cities as they see fit. You will have complete control over the economic and political ecosystem of your city; you can even issue a currency named after yourself.

What is a president?

The President is the highest-ranking official in a country on EarthMeta. The President is the governor of a country who has the highest cumulative value of assets (cities in $) within that country.

How does someone become president?

To become President, one must first be a governor of one or more cities. A country in which no city has been purchased cannot have a President. Therefore, the first governor of each country (holder of a city) automatically becomes the country's first President.

The EarthMeta platform automatically grants the status of President to the rightful person. This is the governor with the most wealth in the country, based on the cumulative value of their assets. The cumulative value of the assets acquired will be calculated automatically and exclusively in USDT.

For example, if Fred owns New York City, which he purchased for $70,000, and Washington, D.C., for $85,000, his cumulative earned value is $155,000. If Chloe bought Houston for $30,000, Atlanta for $25,000, and Chicago for $40,000, the value of her assets is $95,000. In this case, even though Chloe has more cities, Fred will be appointed President of the United States because he has a higher cumulative value of assets.

Is the title of president permanent?

No, the title of President is not indefinite or irreversible. It can be revoked at any time if another governor within the country has a higher cumulative value of assets. Therefore, a country is not an NFT and is not acquired in the same way as a City.

How many presidents are there on EarthMeta?

There are 192 different countries on EarthMeta, each with its own President. Therefore, there are 192 different Presidents on EarthMeta.

Why becoming a president?

Receive 0.5% in Taxes: The second advantage in claiming a city is that you can become President by being the first to buy in a country or having the most value purchased in the country if there are several governors. When you become President, in addition to earning a 1% tax on every asset sold in your cities, you will also earn an additional 0.5% tax on any transaction made by all inhabitants of your digital country. You will receive the 0.5% directly in your wallet for all the transactions made within your country.

For example, if you are President of the USA and the Statue of Liberty is sold, but you do not own New York, you will receive 0.5% royalty on the sale. On the other hand, if you own Washington and the White House is sold, you will receive not 1% but 1.5% in royalty.

Reshape the Country in Your Image: The President will have the power to change their status at any time. They can be King, Dictator, President, Emperor... they will have the right to create their political system for their country. Along with choosing the title you wish to be called, you will also have the right to choose the flag of your country.

The President will be allowed to choose an existing flag. For example, use the flag of South Korea for North Korea, the flag of Brazil for Italy, or create a new banner that does not exist. Make it your own, have it symbolize your values, and create the history of your country.

What can I do with a city?

As a governor, you will have complete control over your city and no one will intervene in your decision. You can monetize and control the content that is created and published in your city, and create the political and economic ecosystem that you desire. Our team will provide you with all the right tools and technologies you need for a smooth user experience.

What can I do with a land?

The owners in EarthMeta will have total control over their properties, which means you can do whatever you please with your land, from selling it to renting it to even using it as a commercial parcel for your projects.

How do I become a governor?

The only condition to becoming Governor is to claim a city (no matter its size). You can become a Governor if you own at least one city. You can acquire the city at the beginning, with the mint price according to the Tier of the city, and later on, at the owner's price.

You can become the governor of as many cities as you claim, which will make you the ruler of them all.

How do I become a president?

Becoming President is simple: Own the most strategic/critical cities in a country. To become President, you must first be the governor of one or more cities: As a result, a country in which no city has been purchased cannot have a President. Logically, the first governor of each country (holder of a city) will be the country's first President.

EarthMeta platform will automatically grant the status of President to the rightful person. This will be the governor with the most wealth in the country: the cumulative value of their assets must exceed the cumulative value of the assets of the other governors in the same country. For example, Fred owns New York City, which he purchased for $70,000, and Washington, D.C., for $85,000. Fred's cumulative earned value is $155,000. Chloe bought Houston for $30,000, Atlanta for $25,000, and Chicago for $40,000. The value of her assets is $95,000.

Although Chloe has more cities, Fred will be appointed President of the United States. As you can see, becoming President does not depend on the number of assets owned but on the value of those assets. The cumulative value of the assets acquired will be calculated automatically and exclusively in USDT.

The title of President is not indefinite and irreversible. It can be revoked at any time if another person has a higher cumulative value in the country. Therefore, a Country is not an NFT. It is not acquired in the same way as a City.

How can I participate to the staking pool of EarthMeta?

In EarthMeta, there is no one pool for the whole Earth. There will be one pool per city.

To participate in a city's pool, you must first own Land in the city (purchase an asset from that city). You can then place your Land in the city's pool and receive all or part of the 0.4% rewards.

What is an API (Application Programming Interface)?

APIs generally propose a set of functions that facilitate, via a programming language, the launching of requests or access to the services of an application. They allow access to the functions or data of an application remotely, generally from another application, through a standard application interface.

It allows the requested software to understand what is requested, then perform the actions and deliver the requested contents.

What is the purpose of the APIs of EarthMeta?

EarthMeta spared no effort as technological advancements have become more straightforward and accessible. To serve its governors, we will implement specific tools such as APIs to help them automate each of their processes.

This will allow governors to accelerate the development time of their applications. They will be able to build, optimize, and deploy their products faster using robust and open APIs. This is more efficient than creating an application in-house by writing code from scratch.

Additionally, thanks to the APIs, they will be able to quickly access real-time data, connect to their accounts, view their available balances, perform transactions (purchases and sales), and view transaction history. We will offer a personalized experience to everyone, that is fast, responsive, secure, and above all, transparent.


What is our mission?

EarthMeta has developed a set of smart tools that complete a truly decentralized ecosystem where users are rewarded for their engagement and contributions.

We give meaning and real value to our platform by applying the virtual world to our reality while giving life to the Virtual Earth.

We built a system where the Governors will be able to create, share, and exchange without central control while benefiting from blockchain and having the possibility of making a passive income through our tax plan.

Because people are conditioned to and need a meaningful world, a real world with a purpose, quests, possibilities, and evolution, we believe that it will be much easier for users to engage in a world that contains the same depth as ours.

We think that it’s possible to drive an all-in-one project. So we made EarthMeta a technology, a game, and a community-based platform while providing additional transparency.

What is our vision?

Our goal is to build the best decentralized ecosystem where people can access a virtual world that would be a reincarnation of ours. So identical that it would be possible to merge with it.

Our welcoming, transparent, challenging, rewarding, and fully functional platform will allow us to attract and retain new users. In addition, we want to maximize the gains of performance farming, staking, and using other protocols.

Where is the EarthMeta's team from?

The EarthMeta team is composed of young and experienced professionals who have been involved in the project since the beginning to implement our vision.

EarthMeta is a multinational and multicultural organization. Our team brings together people's skills, knowledge, and expertise, regardless of international borders, to make this Metaverse.

Where is Earthmeta's office and headquarters based?

EarthMeta Team has remote employees operating from all over the world. The headquarters is based in Hong Kong.

Where can I learn more about the team?

To know more about our team: https://earthmeta.ai/team


General information

What is EarthMeta?

EarthMeta is a digital replica of Earth where users can own, trade, and manage virtual cities, countries, and assets using NFT and blockchain technology. The platform integrates decentralized governance and advanced AI to create a dynamic and immersive metaverse experience.

What is the EarthMeta Token ($EMT)?

Earthmeta Token ($EMT) is not just a token, it's the backbone of Earthmeta's economy. It enhances liquidity by serving as a common currency for transactions, making buying, selling, and trading assets seamless, efficient, and rewarding for the community in the Earthmeta ecosystem.

With a total supply of 2,100,000,000 tokens, Earthmeta $EMT is designed to facilitate transactions, provide liquidity, and enable governance within Earthmeta. As more users will hold and stake $EMT from the beginning, the available supply will decrease, driving up demand and increasing the asset’s value within Earthmeta’s ecosystem. This creates a positive feedback loop, where community growth leads to enhanced liquidity.

Token holders can vote on proposals and initiatives, shaping the future direction of the platform. This inclusive approach ensures that Earthmeta evolves in alignment with the community’s preferences and needs.

To foster engagement, $EMT offers numerous incentives. Users who hold or stake their tokens are rewarded, driving active participation within the ecosystem. The platform also features a unique farming system, where governors can build their own economies and earn rewards from local transactions.

For early participants, the $EMT presale provides strategic advantages, allowing them to access the Earthmeta ecosystem at a price lower than the listing price and offering preferential stacking rewards. They will also benefit from exclusive bonuses during the presale.

Earthmeta is poised to capitalize on the rapidly expanding metaverse market, projected to grow significantly in the coming years. With $EMT at its core, Earthmeta's goal is to offer users a vibrant and dynamic virtual experience. 

For more information about Earthmeta, dive into Earthmeta’s FAQ upper.

Presale general information

How do I participate in the presale?

To participate in the presale, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the EarthMeta presale page.
  2. Link your crypto wallet to the presale widget.
  3. Payment can be made by ETH, BNB, MATIC, USDT, or Card to purchase $EMT tokens.

The presale is accessible via Ethereum, Polygon, or BNB Chain, providing multiple options for participation.

What are the benefits of participating in the presale?

Participating in the presale offers several benefits:

  • Early access to $EMT tokens at a discounted rate.
  • Opportunity to unlock APY on staking rewards of up to 186%.
  • Receive free City NFTs (Tiers 2 and 3) for participation over $500.
  • Various bonus stages to increase overall token holdings.
  • Exclusive opportunities to shape the development of EarthMeta through feedback.

What is the $EMT launch price?

The initial launch price of $EMT is set at 0.03 USDT per token. During the presale, the price is 0.015 USDT per token. Prices may fluctuate based on market dynamics after the launch.

How many presale stages are there?

The presale comprises nine stages, each offering varying bonuses and token availability. Early stages provide higher bonuses, which decrease as the stages progress.

What are the presale stages and bonuses?

The presale consists of nine stages, each offering different bonus percentages:

  • Stage 1: 30% bonus
  • Stage 2: 20% bonus
  • Stage 3: 15% bonus
  • Stage 4: 13% bonus
  • Stage 5: 10% bonus
  • Stage 6: 7% bonus
  • Stage 7: 5% bonus
  • Stage 8: 3% bonus
  • Stage 9: 0% bonus

When is the claim and launch of the $EMT token?

The official date for claiming $EMT tokens is December 1st, 2024, or earlier if the hard cap is reached.

On the claim date, 20% of your tokens will be released, with subsequent releases of 20% every two weeks to ensure stability and long-term value.

I bought $EMT. Where can I see my tokens?

After purchasing $EMT, connect your wallet to the Buy Widget on the EarthMeta Presale page to view your token balance.

How do I claim a free city during the presale?

If you unlock one or more cities during the presale, we will send you an email with the date and a link to choose your city.

However, even with exclusive access, other users who have also unlocked a free city can claim the city you wanted before you.

To ensure you don't miss out, please pay close attention to our emails and follow us on social media for timely updates and notifications.

What is the difference between a Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 city?

Tier 1 Cities:

  • Globally renowned cities.
  • High strategic value due to their status as capitals, financial hubs, religious sites, and tourist attractions.
  • High notoriety and attractiveness, make them the most sought-after and valuable cities.
  • Strategic assets for becoming and remaining president due to their significant value.

Tier 2 Cities:

  • The top 1% of cities in each country with regional importance.
  • Known nationally but not necessarily internationally.
  • Include strategic locations like airports, ports, and major companies.
  • Provide a strategic advantage at the national level and yield benefits from local economic activities.

Tier 3 Cities:

  • Lesser-known cities within a country.
  • Non-touristy towns with smaller populations.
  • Offer access to the country's economy and allow governors to create and promote local economic activities.
  • Long-term advantages due to limited digital cities NFTs and potential demand for becoming president.
  • Large land territories are suitable for creating city projects and selling or renting digital real assets.

Each tier has distinct characteristics that influence its value and strategic importance within the EarthMeta ecosystem.

What are the next steps after the presale?

After the presale, EarthMeta will focus on:

  • Launching the platform on October 1st.
  • Listing $EMT tokens on decentralized exchanges (DEX) by December.
  • Expanding to centralized exchanges (CEX) in Q1 2025.
  • Implementing cross-chain compatibility in Q2 2025.

These steps are designed to enhance liquidity, increase market reach, and ensure the platform's growth and sustainability.

Utility and governance

What is the role of $EMT in the EarthMeta ecosystem?

$EMT acts as the primary medium of exchange within EarthMeta, facilitating transactions, providing liquidity, and enabling governance. It supports various user groups, including governors, landowners, and token holders, making it an essential tool for the ecosystem.

How does $EMT enable governance?

$EMT allows users to participate in the governance processes within EarthMeta. Token holders can vote on proposals and initiatives, shaping the platform's future direction. This decentralized approach ensures the platform evolves according to the community's preferences and needs.

What is the farming system in EarthMeta?

EarthMeta introduces a unique farming system where each city hosts its dedicated liquidity pool. Participants earn rewards from local transactions, incentivizing long-term ownership and enhancing city value. The system ensures fair returns and promotes active community engagement.

What are the benefits for token holders?

Token holders can participate in governance, earn rewards through staking, and benefit from the farming system.

Holding $EMT tokens grants a proportionate say in critical decisions and influences the ecosystem's development, ensuring active involvement in EarthMeta's growth.

Technical and security

What are the tokenomics of the $EMT token?

The $EMT tokenomics are designed to ensure liquidity, incentivize participation and support sustainable growth. The total supply of $EMT tokens is 2,100,000,000, distributed as follows:

  • Presale Supply : 10%
  • Innovation & Code Development : 18%
  • Treasury & Ecosystem : 16%
  • Liquidity Pool & Listing Exchanges : 12%
  • Marketing : 14%
  • Business Development : 8%
  • Staking Pools : 13%
  • Play2Earn & Airdrop : 5%
  • Founding Team (Locked for 4 years) : 4%

This distribution strategy is designed to provide liquidity, incentivize early participation, and ensure the sustainable growth and development of the EarthMeta platform.

What blockchain is $EMT built on?

$EMT tokens are built on the Polygon blockchain, known for its scalability, security, and low transaction fees. This ensures efficient and secure transactions within the EarthMeta ecosystem.

How does EarthMeta ensure the security of its smart contracts?

The EarthMeta token smart contract has been audited by Coinsult firm to ensure its functionality and identify potential security vulnerabilities. The smart contract is also published and verified on Polygonscan, providing transparency and security assurances to users.